Blue Ridge Mountains Backpacking, Rock Climbing and Whitewater Canoeing - Intercept

Blue Ridge Mtns Backpacking, Climbing and Canoeing - Intercept

This Blue Ridge Mountain backpacking, rock climbing, and whitewater canoeing course is designed for struggling youth and their families. These courses help address behaviors such as unhealthy risk-taking, low motivation, defiance and/or poor school performance. Presented as metaphors for the transition from childhood to adulthood, courses help teens connect their desire for more freedom with the reality that they must take on additional responsibility.

Required Family Conference

At least one parent/guardian is required to attend an interactive series of workshops during the last three days of the course. Parents will learn many of the same tools the students have learned during the course. The purpose of the seminar is three-fold:

  • To share the highlights of the course.
  • To share communication tools and techniques.
  • To create a plan of action for expectations and behaviors moving forward.

Students will reunite with their parents/guardians on the day before the course ends to speak with them about the course and the plans for their return home.The seminar is a great opportunity to renew hope in your future relationship.